July 7, 2007


Well the hour clicked and we now know... I had already mentioned this story. For some strange reason, the pyramids at Guizeh have been disqualified by not entering the contest as it seems that some Egyptians have strongly disapproved and settled for an honorary place within the new wonders instead of putting their National Treasure into jeopardy . well they are not at all in my list. Nor is it I suppose on the list of many others. Wonders are very personal things. I sometimes wonder in front of a badly cooked meal. I seriously do.
I am sorry if I seem as I am letting go of this blog. But I am kind of getting through a phase when I cannot finish writing anything I start... maybe that's what they call a writer's block... the thing is though I am no writer. Strange. Here is another wonder for you, if the badly cooked meal won't do. Keep tuned! my next post will elaborate.

In the mean time I wish to extend my 100 million congratulations for the 100 million clickers (I suspect there are much less than that) that voted, The winners of the contest, although I wonder (That's the third and last one today) why Abu Simbel was not listed, the 70,000 US couples that tied the knot, the 1 million and a half couple across the world (completely unofficial estimate) that did the same, and finally to you .

NB For those who wonder what happened to my votes and how much did they bring on eBay, I have to say I was too busy surfing the BBC coverage of Wimbledon to bother.

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